Teletalk gives as Alphabet Package

Note: Start-up Bonus: Get free 50 on-net minutes, 50 SMS, 50 MMS & 250 MB data after activation of Bornomala SIM. Existing prepaid pay per use data rate, voice sms rate also will be applicable for “Bornomala” package. The data speed of start-up and recharge bonus is 512kbps. This recharge offer is not applicable for other package users.

FnF Activation Procedure:

To Set FnF Number: Dial 1515 and follow the next direction or write Reg in message option and send it to 363.

To add FnF : After geting a confirmation SMS to add a FnF number – Write Add in message option then put a space then write the desired FnF number and send to 363.

For Example: Add <Space> 0155XXXXXXXX and send to 363

To set every FnF number you have to send individual message by following the same procedure but have to register only once.

It will be activated within 72 hours.

To Delete FnF: Write del in message option then put a space then write the desired FnF number and send to 363.

For Example: del <Space> 0155XXXXXXXX and send to 363.

To Check FnF: Write see in message option and send to 363.

For Example: see <Space> 0155XXXXXXXX and send to 363.

Change FnF: Dial 1515 and follow the next direction.

Registering for Bornomala SIM: Register for Bornomala SIM from any Teletalk number as per the following SMS Format:-

Please type: BOR<space>ssc_board<space>roll<space>Year<space>Contact_no<space>cc_id and send to 16222. Example: BOR dhaka 123456 2015 0155xxxxxxxxx 100 .

To know Customer Care ID, Pls type: BOR<space> HELP<space> CC<space>District Name and send to 16222. Example: BOR HELP CC JAMALPUR. After successful registration the registered person will be later notified about date and location to pick up the SIM.

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